How to recover hacked Instagram account 2022
Step-by-step guide on how to recover hacked Instagram account fast 2022. Did your Instagram account get hacked? And you are unable to get back into your hacked Instagram account while the hacker is trying to scam all your friends by pretending to be you and advising them to invest in Bitcoin via a Face bitcoin advisor account? Then you came to the right article, this is a full guide on how to recover your hacked Instagram account! A week ago I was hacked and I tried and failed many times before finding a method that now has been proven to work for recovering the hacked Instagram account from the hacker. I will take you through step by step how I recovered my account. There are two parts to it. We recommend reading the entire article in order to recover hacked Instagram account fast 2022.
How to get back your hacked Instagram account fast 2022 – Part 1
Part 1 takes you through how to do the selfie video identity verification process. For this part to work, you need there to be a photo of yourself in your hacked Instagram account.
How to get your Instagram selfie video verification confirmed
If you can’t get back in because the hacker changed the recovery phone number and email on your account, your best bet to get it back is to go through the selfie verification video process. The first time I did it I watched this video which was a pretty useful walkthrough video – – however, I have a few additional tips I’d like to add on my own in my video.
Here’s a step by step on how to do the Instagram video selfie identity verification process:
1. on your Instagram app – Go to add a new account – log in to existing account – Enter your username – click forgot password. DON’T Click the next button.

2. On the next screen – Click “Need more help?” – Then select the account, ( this option does not always appear) – on the next screen you should see an overview of recovery contact info methods. Then select the option to send a text message to your phone number (it should still be there) to send a security code – enter the security code you receive, don’t leave the app to go look at the code, that will exit the process and you have to start over again, just tap it when the little dialogue box pops up and tap it to enter the code.
(If you don’t have your phone number there but maybe your email then have the code sent to your email. Make sure to open and read the code on a separate device like your laptop or a different phone because if you leave the Instagram app to check your mail app – again you will exit out of the process.)

What to do if the Instagram help section appears instead of “choose recovery method”
If you click need more help and end up on the Help section of the Instagram webpage instead of the recovery options page, this may be because you did this too many times and you need to empty the cache of the app. There are two ways to do this. First just Close out of the app by holding it down and swiping it up, if this did not work and you still get the help website you go to iPhone settings – general – iPhone storage – Scroll down to find Instagram, click into Instagram – then click – Offload app and then – Reinstall app – then go back to the Instagram app and it should be opening to the recovery option now.

!!This is only if you did not see the “Chose a way to recover your account” page!!
Moving on with the first part comes step 3.
3. On the next screen you will be faced with entering a 6- digit security code from an authentication app that your hacker installed on your account via an app on his phone. Since you don’t have these codes you click the “try another way” link at the bottom of the screen – then click “Get support”, select “My account was hacked”, then click “yes, I have a photo of myself in my account”. Then it tells you to enter your email. Use an email you can access on a separate laptop but also access on your phone. Enter your email. Open the email you receive on a laptop so you can read the code without exiting the Instagram app.

4. Get ready to do the selfie video! As soon as you hit confirm after submitting the verification code you received in the email the video selfie identity verification process starts and will snap a photo of you. It is important that you get ready to do the selfie video correctly otherwise it won’t be confirmed. Make sure you are connected to wifi, sit comfortably somewhere with good lighting, make sure nothing is covering your face ( shadows, glasses, hats, hair), then hold the phone out directly in front of your face in line with your nose about a foot and half away from your face with one hand and enter the code from the email (read from laptop) with the other hand, as soon as you submit the code and hit confirm the process will start.

Follow the process of moving your face in the direction it requests and submit the video. Next, you will get an email that says:
Subject”: “We received your request”
“Thanks for submitting your selfie video. We received this information and its pending review. You can expect to hear from us within 1 business day.
The Instagram Team”

That email arrives almost instantly. Then you have to wait.
The first couple of times I tried I received this email:
Subject: “Your Information Couldn’t Be Confirmed”
“We weren’t able to confirm your identity from the video you submitted. You can submit a new video and we’ll review it again. Learn more.
The Instagram Team”

The learn more link takes you in an infinite loop of Instagram help section on their website.
I tried like 4 or 5 times and almost immediately within 10-20 minutes I received this rejection email of my selfie identity verification videos. before I finally succeeded in getting my selfie video verified. This time it took 6-7 hours before I finally got the email I was waiting for, which takes me to part two of recovering your account.
Part 2 – of how to recover hacked Instagram account fast:
How to log in and secure your Instagram account after your identity has been confirmed
If you complete the selfie video correctly you’re going to have the best chance of getting the video confirmed. If it gets confirmed you receive this email with the subject: “Your information is confirmed”
“We successfully reviewed your information to confirm that it’s you so you’re now able to get back into your account. We recommend resetting your password in order to secure your account. Follow these steps:
- Select the “Reset password” link below
- Enter your new password
- Select the “backup codes” link instead of entering a 6-digit code
- Enter this 8-digit security code to log back in:

The first time I got this email I was ecstatic and logged in following the directions in the email. I went directly to the “account menu” and “personal information” to change the email and phone number associated with the account and changed it. BIG MISTAKE!!! The hacker used the two-step authentication app on his phone to hack it right back.
Then I spent 4 more days trying to redo the same procedure with uploading a bunch of selfie videos before I finally got another “Your information is confirmed” mail. Before then I had done more research and come up with a recovery process that has worked without fail.
Here is the preparation for the recovery process:
- Open the email on a laptop and your phone. This is so you can read the code in the email on the laptop without switching apps on your phone because Instagram will exit out of the process if you leave the app. ALSO open the Instagram login page in a browser on your laptop. (You need it right after securing the Instagram account.
- Make a new password, type it up in your notes and copy your new passwords from notes.
Recovery and securing steps:
This part you need to do WITHIN 1-3 minutes otherwise, the hacker will kick you out and you have to redo the selfie part AGAIN!:
- Go to the “Your information is confirmed” email on your phone and then click the reset password link.
- The Instagram app will open up with a change your password screen. Paste your new password twice in the “New password” and “Repeat password” boxes the hit “Reset password”. At this point, this screen will disappear and you might wonder; what happened now? “Am I logged in now?” NO!! you are not!! All you did was reset the password and by doing so you let the hacker know that you changed the password, because Instagram will send an email to his mail address saying the password has been changed. So now he might intercept you and go back and change the password again using the two-step authenticator app. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO BE FAST!!! You must log in with your new password ASAP!!!
- IMMEDIATELY GO TO click profile picture hold for a sec and when the menu pops up hit “Add or create new account” then click “Log in existing account” with your username and paste the new password you created.
- Now you will be faced with another prompt to enter a 6-digit code from the authenticator app – Here click “Try another way” at the bottom of the screen, then select the “backup codes” link and then enter the 8-digit code you received in your “Your information is confirmed-email”.
- You are now back in your account and need to do these next steps VERY VERY FAST.
- Go to profile -Settings – security – two-factor authentication – click the “Authentication app” option – at the bottom, you will see “Original device” with three dots next to it- click the dots – in the pop-up menu click – “Remove – then go back and make sure two-step authentication is off.
- Then go back – then back again – go to “Account” – “Personal information” – change phone number + email – then confirm your both number and email by receiving and inputting security codes.
- Then go back to security – two-factor authentication – turn with your phone number. Go through the setup process and screenshot your backup codes. Store this screenshot in a safe place.
If you can reach this point there’s a good chance you were able to recover your account because you deleted the hacker’s ability to hack back in with the two-step authenticator app. But there’s more.

Final steps to recovering your hacked Instagram account and securing it from further hacking
- Now go to on the laptop, and log in with your username, new password and two-step authentication for your phone number.
- Click your profile picture in the top right corner – click “Settings” – scroll down and select the light blue “Accounts center” link right below the Meta log.
- This takes you to
- Go here to find an overview of all Facebook accounts that are connected to your Instagram account including probably the hackers’ account. Remove all accounts you can find there, even your own. You can re-add your own account after
- Changing your Facebook password as well.
Now this is how you can recover hacked Instagram account fast!

First steps to take after recovering your Instagram account after being hacked
- Make a post about being hacked and recovering your account so you can let people who might be considering investing in bitcoin that this is a scam and they should immediately block and report the account that is “coaching them in bitcoin investments”
- Go through privacy settings on your account to check who they blocked and other things they might have changed.
- Go through your messages to see which of your friends and followers might have fallen for the scam and immediately contact them via other means than Instagram to try to minimize potential damage/ fraud.
- Message people who have been interacting with the hacker to let them know this was not you, that you were hacked, and to not invest in bitcoin.
- You can also “unsend” messages to accounts that haven’t read the message sent by the hacker yet. You can do this by holding down on the message and a menu will pop up with the option to “unsend”.
If this method does not work for your try these methods:
How to recover your hacked Instagram account if you don’t have a picture of yourself in the account
- Submit the request help form: you should be very detailed here, and keep submitting this form multiple times and write with a sense of urgency until you can get a hold of someone from Instagram.
- Start an Instagram Facebook ad account, start an ad campaign and get in touch with support using their live chat function and explain the situation. 1.
- If your account has been deactivated this YouTube video was very useful with this:
If you got additional questions about how to recover hacked Instagram account fast can get in touch with me here